Some of the courses I teach include:
Collaboration and Communication: Communication with school staff, outside service agencies, and parents/caregivers. This course also covers coordination with related service providers, as well as advocacy and self-advocacy, para-educators in the classroom, and self assessment of leadership
Multi-Tiered Interventions: Multi-tiered intervention practices, data driven service delivery models, the roles and responsibilities of Special Educators in the Response to Intervention process, the professional learning community (PLC), the Instructional Planning Team (IPT) and techniques of consultation, collaboration, including the roles and responsibilities of a co-teacher.
Coordination of Related Services & Supports: A review of the Ventura county SELPA’s Functional Behavioral Assessment Guide as well as their Positive Behavioral Support Plan Guide. Differences between the Functional Analysis Assessment (FAA) and Functional Behavioral Assessment (FBA) will be discussed. This course also covers data collection and data-based decision making; assessments, reinforcement surveys, behavior models, and schedules.
Differentiation Strategies for Instruction: Effective planning for flexible instructional groups within class and caseload while also taking location, resources, material, and time into consideration.
Introduction to Advanced Studies: Current and emerging research and practice as well as evidence based practices are examined and candidates begin the development of their second semester research project. Beginning with a self-assessment of prior experiences and current level of practice, candidates choose an in-depth focus topic to explore in their credential area of emphasis
Assistive Technology: Working with the Ventura County SELPA, this course is an overview of assistive technology used to facilitate communication, curriculum access, and skill development for students. Augmentative and alternative communication strategies are discussed.